Thursday, April 24, 2008

Ok, here is my beef. Everyone knows of the popular series, American Idol, right?? Well, I hate this show. I've hated it since it's debut and for many reasons, but I've finally concluded why I think this show is produced by Satan himself. 

Besides the obvious fact that the music just plain sucks, the show is set up to make millions of dollars and nothing else. They may say that they are going to launch these kids into super stardom but really, has anyone heard any recent news of Justin and Kelly lately? 

Here is how the show is set up. All of the executives, producers and assholes in general gather together these kids from all over the US who think they have some kind of voice and set them up to audition for this TV show. Finally, when the number of contestants are selected, the series is broadcast. So, each episode, these kids sing their hearts out hoping to stay on another round. Then, the fans are allowed to phone in for $.90 or so, and vote AS MANY TIMES AS THEY LIKE—resulting in a skewed tally! Think about it, there are a lot of people who watch this show each week, and a lot of people who have a particular fondness or affinity with a contestant and with this voting system, John or Jane can phone in as many times as they like resulting in millions of dollars for the executives of American Idol and shitty shitty music for the rest of us! 

Why should John or Jane be choosing our music for us? Who's to say that their taste in music speaks for all of us? They're just fanatics trying to get the best possible score for their favorite Idol! There are a lot of people who aren't fanatics, but I've met some of these people who spend the given time voting for their favorite and this doesn't get us anything. Someone wins the title of American Idol and then their popularity quickly dies when the next season airs.

If democracy was set up like American Idol, we would never see another democrat in the White House again—I'm sure of it!