Monday, March 10, 2008


If anything, the name alone is what convinced me to sign up. It's a funny thing, the internet. I used to be able to spend hours upon hours searching for stuff—leaning about the world I live in. Now, with facebook, I will always, strictly out of habit click the facebook bookmark button, even when I meant to go to hotmail.

There are many other links that I visit when purposely looking for something to distract myself from my work, but today I found something else—something else that will allow me to distract other people! :) It's called Squidoo and I just like saying the name, "Squidoo, Squidoo, Squidily-Doo, Squidoo!!" It's what the internet people call a lens. From what I can so-far understand is that it is a page devoted to a topic and posted by someone like you or I.

My lens is titled Graphic Design & Illustration. This is what I do for a living and it's also what I do in my spare time. What can I say? I love it.

Anyway, Squidoo has allowed me to compile everything creative that I've got my hands in at the moment, websites, blogs, etc.

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